Soccer with Francis

On Tuesday mornings this term we have had soccer with Francis. He  talked to us about things like this: what do we like about the game  and I said it’s importent to kick the ball to people that are leftout off the game because if you do that you’re not a teammate. We need to have everyone feel they are part of a team.  Francis is an All Whites player.  He is so brave. Francis said at the start of soccer he said if we can be a team at soccer we can be a team at school. I’m trying to be a team. He showed us his All Whites t shirt and Romeo wanted to have the All Whites shirt. I laughed and I said to Romeo you can not have it and I put my hand up and I said that I have an All Blacks shirt. Francis is the best. I now I love soccer.  It is so cool when I get my ball back from Elisha I will play soccer all the time. Francis is so cool. Being a soccer team is best. I know that a soccer team player is the best . I’m going to be a soccer player. It’s so cool. I’m going to be a soccer player when I’m thirty years old soccer. It is just the best.